FIMM's formand har sendt introduktion og invitation til FIMM's conference den 23. oktober 2021.

Bemærk at det er gratis for alle at deltage.

Dear delegates and society officers,

Dear delegates, dear society officers,

Please find hereby detailed information about our 2021 Online Conference. 

Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and uncertainties, we are convinced that we have found a good alternative for our live  Conference, following FIMM’s General Assembly, that also will be On-line ( October 22nd ).  More details about the GA will follow soon. 

As far as the On-line Conference is concerned: we request urgently to spread the Program and Conference information amongst your societies’ members !!  

It is free and will be accredited by the UEMS. It will take place on Saturday October 23rd

So no reasons not to register and participate !

Registration will be possible from the first week of September on. You will receive a mail about the exact date. 

Information about the On-line Conference including timeframes:

Then navigate further by going to:

or click on “Preliminary program 2021”.

Continue to click on the numerous links and check the curricula, the bios and the different abstracts.

We sincerely hope that in 2022 everything will be returned to almost normal and to see you all live and healthy.


Henk Bultman

President of FIMM

With kind regards,

Dr. H. Bultman, MD

President FIMM

Medisch Centrum ForceMed                                                                                   Medisch Centrum ForceMed

Polikliniek Manuele Geneeskunde Bergeijk                                                           Polikliniek Manuele Geneeskunde Eindhoven

Bucht 8a                                                                                                                   Gagelboschplein 1

5571 CW BERGEIJK                                                                                                  5654 KN EINDHOVEN

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